News 2022年10月3日

Mitie hits all annual ESG targets putting it on track to meet 2025 goals

  • 2022 ESG report released detailing how Mitie hit all 13 ESG targets for the year, 这使Mitie走上了实现2025年ESG总体目标的正轨
  • 环保方面的亮点包括为客户节省375美元,800个地点减少了1000吨碳,减少了11吨,000 tonnes of CO2 by expanding EVs to more than a third of the Mitie fleet
  • 采购团队确保50%以上的多样化供应商, VCSE的支出翻了一番,以减少供应链中的不平等
  • 1,000 apprentices now employed across 60 programmes to drive social mobility

Mitie已经发布了它的 年度ESG报告 which highlights the progress made against 13 ambitious targets as part of its social value framework. All 13 of the targets set in last year’s ESG report have been achieved or exceeded, 跨越Mitie的人民, 环境, 供应链和社区支柱. Primary focuses outlined in the report include renewable energy sourcing and decarbonisation, 培育负责任的供应链, 投资技能, supporting colleague wellbeing and creating employment opportunities through Mitie基金会.


作为Mitie的一部分 业界领先的零计划倡议, 排放强度大幅降低了43%, Mitie的9个站点现在已经完全脱碳了, 因为该公司正在努力实现到2025年实现净零运营的目标. More than a third of the Mitie fleet has now been transitioned to electric vehicles (EVs), 随着船队增长1,去年售出了133辆电动汽车.

Mitie’s mission is to help decarbonise Britain by offering joined-up solutions to customers from optimising buildings through energy efficiency, 将车队转变为电动汽车,并安装充电点, 为运营采购和生产清洁能源, 安装太阳能电池板, promoting the circular economy through its resourceful waste business and driving biodiversity by installing and maintaining green spaces.

环境al highlights this year include Mitie’s joined-up contract with Essex County Council saving 534 tonnes of CO2 annually through solar panel installations, 改造建筑和LED项目. Mitie总共拯救了375个客户,000 tonnes of carbon for 24 customers across 800 sites and prevented the use of 40,000 plastic bin liners and 600kg of plastic through its Bin the Bag initiative.


Meanwhile Mitie continues to champion skills across the organisation, investing £7.自2017年以来,已有300万美元的学徒计划. Mitie’s apprenticeship strategy focuses on three key areas – skilling new young talent including school leavers and first jobbers, upskilling colleagues to offer on-going development for career progression and reskilling people in the external job market to gain new skills and qualifications. Mitie现在有超过1个,5000名学徒在55个项目中学习他们的技能 , 来自工料测量, 工程, 网络安全, 木工也要合法化, sales, 人力资源与园艺学, putting Mitie on track to meet its target of 5% of employees coming through apprenticeship programmes by 2025.


通过 Mitie基金会, 今年Mitie的同事们总共贡献了14个,650 hours of volunteering to good causes including the launch of The Big Mitie Litter Pick with colleagues collecting more than 1,500袋垃圾帮助清理英国各地的公共场所. 通过 the Ready2Work programme which aims to drive skills and create employment opportunities for a range of jobseekers who experienced barriers to entry when seeking employment, 536名候选人获得了实际工作经验, 70%的人在毕业后找到了工作.


作为Mitie负责任供应商战略的一部分, 米蒂也将其自愿人数增加了一倍, 慈善机构和社会企业供应商(VCSE)在过去一年的支出, as part of a procurement transformation to tackle inequality and increase supply chain resilience and capacity. Mitie已承诺将vcse的支出增加到2英镑.到2025年,这个数字将达到2500万,目前已经实现了该目标的50%. The business will also increase percentage spend with SMEs to 33% by 2025, aiming to issue more regional tenders and work with local SMEs for supplier contracts.

Mitie还加入了英国少数族裔供应商发展(MSDUK), the UK’s leading supplier diversity organisation to allow diverse suppliers access to procurement opportunities whilst also ensuring Mitie’s supply chain promotes diversity and 包容.

Mitie可持续发展总监Jason Roberts说:

“As a business we have taken great strides to decarbonise our own operations, 发展我们的人民, 促进多元化和包容性, 负责任地购买, 确保我们在2025年实现13个雄心勃勃的ESG目标.

“We remain committed to our 行业-leading net zero emissions target – 25 years ahead of the UK 政府’s 2050 target and are harnessing that expertise to make a tangible difference to our customers by driving decarbonisation projects across Britain. ESG is now fully integrated into Mitie’s business practices to lead how we deliver our services to customers and drive social value across our operations.”

你可以在这里阅读Mitie ESG报告的全文.

